The Frozen Drink I Couldn’t Get Enough Of In Puerto Rico
Before my most recent visit to Puerto Rico, I was only familiar with “Gasolina” from the Daddy Yankee song. You know the one…the hella upbeat reggaeton song that was released in the early 2000s (what a time to be alive, by the way). But upon exploring San Juan’s La Placita neighborhood, my friend and I came across a teeny, tiny tobacco shop that served a number of hilariously-named shots (Bongwater, Peanut Butter Blowjob, etc.).
They had one frozen cocktail on tap — and I mean, when in Rome (or Puerto Rico in this case) — always go for the frozen drink. The name of the frozen drink was Gasolina and it was dee-lish and cheap! $5 to be exact. I don’t know if y’all have ever been to San Juan, Puerto Rico before, but cheap drinks aren’t really their jam. So we were in heaven…boozy heaven. Unfortunately, I’m really struggling to find the name of the spot we bought the Gasolina frozen drinks from. Buttt it was on a street named Calle Roberts and the storefront was very small. So good luck, my friends. It shouldn’t be hard to find though.
Not sure what a Gasolina drink is? Not to worry, I didn’t either. But upon Googling “Gasolina drink,” I uncovered that Gasolina is actually a popular drink that typically comes in a pouch (a la Capri Sun) and is comprised of a sippable combination of rum, tequila, passionfruit and other fruit juices.
While I love, LOVE a good pina colada, which I had plenty of while in San Juan, Gasolina was our pre-game drink of choice. Refreshing, tasty and it gets you where you wanna go, if you know what I mean.
If you’d like to get your hands on a pouch of Gasolina, you can possibly try your local liquor store. They are sold in select liquor stores in the mainland U.S.